McGuffin Grant

The McGuffin Grant

The McGuffin Grant is open to nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations and U.S. organizations or fiscal agents with that status. Applications will open March 24, 2025.

How the grant works

The McGuffin Grant is an opportunity for all of us here at McGuffin to do forward-thinking, fun and necessary communications work for groups that make a real difference in our communities. Each year, we invite nonprofits of all shapes and sizes to submit applications. We choose the one we think is the best fit to receive $30,000 worth of creative strategies and design solutions. Then, for six months, we work hand-in-hand with that group on a project or projects that best fit their goals — like an identity redesign, a fundraising direct mail campaign, a brochure or a website refresh. Our strategists, designers, writers and other members of the team pool their time and talents to create communications that get our grant recipients noticed and get them results.

Why we do this

First and foremost, The McGuffin Grant exists because we believe in the power of a good cause. And we have a lot of admiration for people who devote their days to making things better for people and the planet. But we also do it because we love the creative process and enjoy the chance to share it with organizations that might not have access to agency-quality work.